Page 4 - Enrollment guide 2024-25 - v3
P. 4

Enrollment Basics

        An Employee who meets all of the conditions for eligibility set by their Employer and SchoolCare
        is eligible to enroll as a Subscriber. Employees must apply within 30 days after first meeting their
        Employer's eligibility requirements or during an Open Enrollment Period.

            i i    Changes you make during Open Enrollment to your medical, dental, vision
                   and Health Care Flexible Spending Account (FSA) will take effect on July
                   1, 2024, and are binding through June 30, 2025, unless you experience a
                   qualifying life event (examples below).

        Eligible Dependents                                 Qualifying Life Events

        Employees may also enroll their eligible            Per IRS regulations, you can only change your elections
        family members including:                           annually during the Open Enrollment period, unless
                                                            you have a qualifying life event. SchoolCare Open
        •  Legally married spouse                           Enrollment generally begins on April 15  and runs
        •  Domestic partner and their children, if          through May 31 .  For a qualifying life event, Subscribers
            offered by Employer                             must provide notice and required documentation within
        •  Dependent children under age 26                  30 days of the event. Examples include:
                                                            •  Marriage                   •  Divorce/legal separation
                                                            •  Loss of other insurance       (within 60 days)
                                                               coverage                   •  Birth of a child
                                                            •  Adoption/legal             •  Death

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