Page 10 - Enrollment guide 2024-25 - v3
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Preventive Care                                                                                                           For Your Convenience

        There are specific services and supplies that                                                                              Cigna 90 Now       SM __  90-Day Prescription Refills
        are considered preventive care under your
        plan. Click here for a list of age and gen-                                                                                The Cigna 90 Now  program makes it easier for you to fill your maintenance medications. These are the
        der appropriate exams, immunizations and                                                                                   medications you take every day to treat an ongoing health condition like diabetes, depression, high blood
        screenings covered.                                                                                                        pressure, high cholesterol or asthma.

                                                                                                                                   Select a 30- or 90-day supply.                      You choose the pharmacy, retail or home
        Why is Preventive Care Important?                                                                                                                                              delivery.
                                                                                                                                   If you choose to fill a 30-day supply, you can use
        Your health care plan covers specific preventive                                                                           any retail pharmacy in your plan’s network.         There are thousands of retail pharmacies in your plan’s
        care services. Even when you’re in the best shape                                                                                                                              network. They include local pharmacies, grocery stores,
        of your life, a serious condition with no symptoms                                                                         If you choose to fill a 90-day supply, you can use   retail chains and wholesale warehouse stores.
        may put your health at risk. Using these services at                                                                       select in-network retail pharmacies that are
        the right time can help you stay healthier by:                                                                             approved to fill 90-day prescriptions. Click here to   Home delivery is a convenient way to get medications
                                                                                                                                   learn more about pharmacies in your network.        right to your door. The Express Scripts Pharmacy is one of
        •  Preventing certain illnesses and health condi-                    According to the World Health Organization,                                                               the largest home delivery options in the country.
            tions from happening                                             prevention efforts can eliminate about 30-
        •  Detecting health problems at early stages,                        50% of illnesses. In addition, 80% of heart                                       To learn more about this service, call 800-835-3784.
            when they may be easier to treat                                 disease, stroke and type 2 diabetes, along
        •  Establishing a health history and building rap-                   with 40% of cancers are preventable.
            port with your doctor
                                                                                                                                   Cigna Virtual Care
        What’s Your Share of the Cost?                                                                                             Finding time to care for yourself and your family can   Behavioral
                                                                                                                                   be difficult. That’s why your Cigna health plan in-     Licensed counselors and psychiatrists can diagnose,
        Many plans cover preventive care services at 100%            Virtual Preventive Care                                       cludes access to virtual medical and behavioral care.   treat and prescribe most medications for
        – no additional cost to you when you go to a health                                                                        •  Access care from anywhere via video or tele-         non-emergency behavioral/mental health conditions.
        care professional in your plan’s network. Click               Access to care shouldn’t be a barrier to                        phone
        here for details about your specific medical plan’s           good health. Register with MDLive to con-                    •  Schedule appointments online                         Dermatology
        coverage.                                                     nect by video or phone with a board-cer-                     •  Have a prescription sent directly to your local
                                                                      tified physician for your annual wellness                       pharmacy                                             Get customized care for skin, hair and nail conditions
        Preventive Medications                                        screenings and routine visits. Review lab                    Learn more about Cigna's virtual care options.          - no appointment required. Board certified dermatol-
                                                                      results taken prior to your visit, manage
                                                                                                                                                                                           ogists can review photos, provide care for common
                                                                      chronic conditions, have prescriptions                                                                               conditions including acne, eczema, psoriasis, rosacea,
        Preventive medications are used to prevent                    ordered or re-issued and more from the                       Urgent Care
        conditions like high blood pressure, high choles-             comfort of your own home. Evening and                                                                                suspicious spots and more and provide a customized
                                                                                                                                                                                           treatment plan usually within 24-hours.
        terol, diabetes, asthma, osteoporosis, heart attack,          weekend scheduling available. Elect to see                   Board-certified doctors and pediatricians are avail-
        stroke and prenatal nutrient deficiency. Review the           the same physician for each appointment                      able for urgent care 24/7/365 and can diagnose,
        common generic preventive medications your plan               or choose based on what works best for                       treat and prescribe most medications for minor
        covers at no cost.                                            your schedule. Read more about virtual                       medical conditions, such as:
                                                                      care with MDLIVE on the adjacent page.                       •  Allergies
        Some prescription medications and over-the-                                                                                                  •  Rashes
        counter medicines (available without a prescription)                                                                       •  Asthma         •  Sinus infections
        and products are available to you at no cost-share                                                                         •  Cold and flu   •  Sore throats
        (copay, coinsurance and/or deductible). This list is                                                                       •  Fever          •  Urinary tract infections
        updated as the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force                                                                         •  Insect bites   •  and more!
        makes new recommendations.

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