Page 12 - Enrollment guide 2024-25 - v3
P. 12

Well-Being                                                                                                              Well-Being

        SchoolCare's Commitment
        SchoolCare                                                                                                                 Earn CASH for Making Healthy Choices

        Good For You! Well-Being Program is our                                                                                    The Good For You! Well-Being Program provides flexibility to meet you at any stage of your health journey
        commitment to your total health.                                                                                           – whether to make large or small improvements or simply maintain good health. Your health is not one-size-
                                                                                                                                   fits-all and as such, we don’t believe your incentives should be. Complete activities below to earn cash for your
        SCHOOLCARE is partnered with Cigna,                                                                                        efforts large and small.
        to provide best practice, evidence-based,
        achievable and engaging well-being programs.

                                                                                                                                           SchoolCare/Cigna medical subscribers and covered spouses can each
                                                                                                                                         earn up to $600 annually. Incentives earned are paid on a quarterly basis.

                            Well-Being Program by SCHOOLCARE
                                                                          Focus on Your Path to                                    Get Started with Your myCigna Health Assessment
                                                                               Total Well-Being
        SchoolCare's Philosophy
        SchoolCare                                                                                                                 The confidential Health Assessment highlights your current health status for each lifestyle habit and offers
                                                                                                                                   tips for improving your overall health and well-being. You must complete the Health Assessment to earn
        This program is designed to educate and reward                                                                             your incentives.
        subscribers and spouses for maintaining or
        improving their health and well-being.
                                                                                                                                                 Health Assessment
        What Does Well-Being Mean to You?
                                                                                                                                                 Biometrics  $100

        Choose activities that best fit your personal health
        goals. SchoolCare's program can help EMPOWER                                                                                             Preventive Care  up to $250
        you to make healthy choices through the basics of
        healthy living: food, exercise, stress, weight, sleep,                                                                                   Case Management up to $350
        and prevention. Take small steps toward changing
        behaviors, and ADVOCATE for yourself and the well-
        being of others.                                                                                                                         Omada up to $350

                                                                                                                                                 Healthy Events up to $400

           Access Programs at myCigna                                                                                                            Health Coaching up to $600

            Whether just starting your well-being journey,                                                                                       Healthy Pregnancies, Healthy Babies up to $250
            or continuing to participate, you can access all
            available Good For You! Well-Being Program
            activities by logging into your account at
   or the Cigna mobile app.                                                                                                      View the Good For You! Incentive Summary to learn more

                                                                                                                                   NOTE: Cash incentives, payments, and rewards are available upon completion of the Health Assessment
                                                                                                                                   annually. Amounts paid to well-being program participants are taxable income. Please review with your tax
                                                                                                                                   consultant for more information.

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