Background and Partnerships

SchoolCare Background and PartnershipsAbout SchoolCare

SchoolCare was founded in 1995 as the New Hampshire School Health Care Coalition by bringing together associations representing public entity management and labor groups in the state. The Coalition was formed in response to issues of providing employee health care, including quality, choice, cost control and service that public entities were facing. Today, nearly 30 years later, SchoolCare is still a well-regarded resource for public entities facing these same issues.

SchoolCare was founded in partnership by the below groups:

Our Mission

Our mission is to provide education and training for employees and employers to become better informed health consumers with healthier lifestyles, and enable the purchase of quality health care in a cost effective manner.

We Are Unique

You Have A Voice
Oversight and accountability resides with the SchoolCare Board of Directors, while the Membership Council approves plan designs/changes. Represented equally by labor and management.

Stable Rates
SchoolCare provides firm rates to our members by December 1st for the following July 1st, to enable timely budget preparations and negotiations. SchoolCare increases have been consistently lower than the national average as a result of:

  • Percentage of your premium dollar going toward administration is lower with SchoolCare than our competitors.
  • Health and Wellness opportunities focus on incentives to keep members healthy.
  • Premium holiday allows us to return surplus directly to Membership.

Flexible Plan Design
SchoolCare's innovative medical and dental plan designs and features can meet everyone's needs and budgets.

A Health Plan You Know And Trust
We also act as consultants at no cost to school districts, towns and other public entities that want to review their health insurance options. We can help you examine and evaluate options from purchasing pools, to value-based purchasing and consumer-driven health care, as well as providing updates on provisions of the Affordable Care Act.

Good For You! Well-Being Program
To support our commitment to our participants' health and well-being we have developed the Good For You! Well-Being Program. Good For You! integrates all aspects of preventive care. It provides tools for personal awareness, education and wellness resources to support you in making healthy and lasting lifestyle changes.

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